If you are a registered user of Eduroam at your home institution, you should be able to connect without further actions to the CERN wi-fi. See CERN's "Eduroam for visitors" page for more information.
Otherwise you can use any electronic device at CERN (and as many as you need), provided you have registered it.
We strongly suggest to register your device before your arrival but you can also do it once you are at CERN.
In order to use the CERN wi-fi please select the CERN-visitor or Eduroam connections.
In order to register your device(s):
- Before your arrival: go to the web page http://cern.ch/registerVisitorComputer and follow the instructions given above.
- If you are already at CERN : select the CERN-visitor network or Eduroam. You will then get a new windows where either you only have to accept the CERN rules or you need to register your device. Register as a GUEST. and you will be directed to the registration page (**). Fill in the sections marked with (*). If you do not have a CERN computer account, as 'CERN contact' please use the name of Gianolio Elena (TH department, GS group). If you wish to register both ethernet and wireless you can add both card numbers during the same registration. Once you have registered your computer you will need to restart it (***).
For any question or problem do not hesitate to contact Elena Gianolio.
(**) sometimes on Windows computers the registration page will not appear automatically. This can be due to the settings of your computer. Check if you are running a program that blocks connections with a free network.
(***) sometime on Mac computers, even if your computer is registered, your browser still shows only the registration page: this is due to the cache of your browser. Try to clear it, or simply move to another web page (e.g. http://cern.ch).