If you wish to subscribe to/unsubscribe from a CERN-TH mailing list (e-group), follow the links below. If you don’t have a CERN account, you will be asked to register for a lightweight account
General information:
- th-world - General CERN-TH announcements of interest for the worldwide theoretical physics community.
- th-dep-info-seminars - Weekly announcements of CERN-TH seminars.
- th-dep-interested - list of people interested in TH dep news
- EPFL-HET-seminars - announcements concerning EPFL seminars.
- GEN-HET - announcements concerning the GenHet working group.
- EuCAPT-news - list of people interested in European Consortium for Astroparticle Theory (EuCAPT) news
- QTI-seminars - announcements concerning QTI seminars
- UNIGE-seminars - announcements concerning UNIGE seminars
Information from specific research groups:
- th-dep-cern-neutrino-platform - Neutrino physics activities
- th-dep-cosmology - Cosmology and astroparticle physics activities
- th-dep-strings-group - String theory and QFT activities
- th-dep-qcd-all - QCD and collider physics activities
- th-dep-BSM - BSM physics activities
- th-dep-lattice-all - Lattice field theory activities
- th-dep-Quantum-Tech-meeting - QTI activities
If you don't have a CERN account and you want to unsubscribe from an e-group please send an email to Elena Gianolio specifying from which mailing list you want to be removed.
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